Hello friends,
It has been a while since I was able to write. I have been couponing, but my life has changed and gotten extremely busy these days. Exciting things are on the horizons, though. You can get caught up on it:
I will be back to updating sales and adventures here soon, though. Until then, I wish you all happiness, high value coupons, and matching sales.
Sonja ♥
A place for Maine's Frugalistas to Share Information on Matching Coupons with Upcoming Sales to Maximize Savings to Your Budget. Welcome, Friends ♥
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Free Colgate; Cheap Trident & Vasoline Lotion at Rite Aid
I love, Love, LOVE shopping days like this one! I knew that I wanted to get into Rite Aid for some Vasoline Body Lotion because it was on sale this week for only .99¢ once you consider RRs. I could definitely stock up on some for that price! And, I had $9 RRs from last week to roll. I only needed to spend another $11 to earn my $20 Winter Rewards RR. That meant that I only had to spend $2 out of pocket to earn $20 towards next month's purchases. Sweet, right??? I thought so. It gets better, though.
Rite Aid paid me $4 to buy 4 packages of Colgate Total Toothpaste. Here's how: each Colgate was on sale for $3.50. I used (4) $1/1 coupon from last Sunday's insert to make the price $2.50 each and I earned back $3.50 on each one. Net result= profit $4.00.
I started today with $9 in RRs. My $21.74 in merchandise reduced to $11.87 with sales and coupons. I paid with $9 RRs and $2.87 cash. I earned $34.00 RRs! (4) $3.50 RRs and (1) $20.00 RR.
I did not wind up getting the .99¢ lotion because they were out of stock, but I was too excited to care. The sale is good through Saturday.
Did anyone else stock up at Rite Aid this week?
Sonja ♥
Trident Gum is on sale for $1.29/package with a Buy One, Get One sale. That makes them only .66¢ each. I bought six packs and used (2) $1/1 coupons to make the price $1.87 for all six packs or only .31¢ each.
I did not wind up getting the .99¢ lotion because they were out of stock, but I was too excited to care. The sale is good through Saturday.
Did anyone else stock up at Rite Aid this week?
Sonja ♥
Monday, February 20, 2012
Shaw's 2/25-3/1
Hello friends,
I found this posted online today and thought I would post it to give you some time to find some coupon match ups. There wasn't anything that really jumped out at me, but I am sure that some of the 10 for $10 offers might be parlayed into better deals.
Happy Shopping!
Sonja ♥
I found this posted online today and thought I would post it to give you some time to find some coupon match ups. There wasn't anything that really jumped out at me, but I am sure that some of the 10 for $10 offers might be parlayed into better deals.
Happy Shopping!
Sonja ♥
Shaw's 2/17-2/23
I am afraid it is taking me longer to find the time to do these posts as my daughter's pending wedding moves closer and closer. I did find time to get my weekly shopping done at both Shaw's Supermarkets and Rite Aid. There were some pretty good deals at Shaw's this week. I hadn't time to sort and file all my coupons collected, so I took advantage of a couple of the deals while I was already out and in the are. I will make a return run when I go to Bangor this week for work.
All told, I purchased 10 boxes GM cereal, 20 boxes of various Hamburger/Chicken helper meals, 9 Hershey bars, 2lb strawberries all for $35.00. The bill rang up to just over $95 before sales and coupons. These are some of the deals with their coupon match ups (if they apply) that I was excited over. Enjoy!
There was no coupon match up for this, but I just bought 2 lbs of strawberries at Sam's club this week for more nearly $5/2LBS. This is a better deal. Also, you CAN freeze strawberries to use for shortcakes, mixed drinks, etc. I would not recommend trying to eat them raw again after freezing because of their consistancy.
There are $1/8 and $1/10 coupons available for this deal. Using it bring them to .50¢/cup AND you get a catalina for 1 FREE 4pk when you buy 10. Note: Cherie, did you get your catalina for this at the register?
Use $1/2 coupon from 1/8 SS2 to make buying the Barilla pasta .50¢/box when you buy 2 boxes. The coupon is for the whole grain variety.
There are MANY various Hamburger Helper coupons available right now. I used (1) .90/4 printable coupon and (4) .80/4 printable coupons for my trip. That made them .54¢-.59¢/box. You can also use the $1/4 coupons from 1/8 or 2/5 GM inserts. Some markets have .75/3 in that insert- we didn't. printable from Coupons.com page 4 Zip 30062 I like these because the kids will eat them without a fuss and on nights when we have someone over unexpectedly, they feed a lot of people quickly. I "doctor" mine up by adding chopped onions, bell peppers, and topping it with additional parmesan cheese on the "Italian or cheese" varieties that use hamburger. I was interested to see a couple of new chicken varieties; lemon pepper and a spicy honey-mustard based chicken dish. I haven't tried them yet, but am looking forward to it.
You need to buy a total of 10 items to get the price. You can mix and match. And, you earn Box Tops!
All told, I purchased 10 boxes GM cereal, 20 boxes of various Hamburger/Chicken helper meals, 9 Hershey bars, 2lb strawberries all for $35.00. The bill rang up to just over $95 before sales and coupons. These are some of the deals with their coupon match ups (if they apply) that I was excited over. Enjoy!
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There are MANY various Hamburger Helper coupons available right now. I used (1) .90/4 printable coupon and (4) .80/4 printable coupons for my trip. That made them .54¢-.59¢/box. You can also use the $1/4 coupons from 1/8 or 2/5 GM inserts. Some markets have .75/3 in that insert- we didn't. printable from Coupons.com page 4 Zip 30062 I like these because the kids will eat them without a fuss and on nights when we have someone over unexpectedly, they feed a lot of people quickly. I "doctor" mine up by adding chopped onions, bell peppers, and topping it with additional parmesan cheese on the "Italian or cheese" varieties that use hamburger. I was interested to see a couple of new chicken varieties; lemon pepper and a spicy honey-mustard based chicken dish. I haven't tried them yet, but am looking forward to it.
Totinos Pizza Rolls- use $1/2 from 1/29 SS insert= .49¢/box
Betty Crocker Cake/Frosting- use $1/when you buy both from 1/22 SS insert= $1.49/both
GM Cheerio Cereals- use $1/3 from 1/2 SS or 2/5 GM= $1.16/box Use Printable Coupons HERE These are for .75/1 box on the Multi Grain Peanut butter and Dulce de Leche flavors. If your store has these as part of the sale (and I have read that they are), they will be free when the coupon doubles.
Have a great day!
Sonja ♥
Coupon Blogs,
GM Cereals,
Hamburger Helper,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I have been watching for a sale to match with the $1/3 Hamburger Helper coupons I have in my binder and also for Totino's Pizza Rolls that I am running low on. The girls LOVE these after school. And, on the days I am not home to get them a snack, it is nice to know that I have these on hand for them. I was in Brewer yesterday with Sean and we decided to stop in to Save A Lot after I saw their flyer for the SUPER 10/$10 Sale for this week. These are my favorite picks:
Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs
Oscar Meyer Bologna
Oscar Meyer Lunchables
Banquet Brown & Serve Sausage
Hormel Sliced Pepperoni or Hard Salami
Dole Salad Mix
Red & Yellow peppers
Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta
Betty Crocker Hamburger/Chicken Helper= .67¢/box with $1/3 coupon
Totinos Pizza Rolls= .50¢/box with $1/2 coupon
Progresso Vegetable Soups= .75¢ each with $1/4 coupon
Lay's STAX= .75¢ each with $1/4 coupon
Knorr Sides= .67¢ each with $1/3 coupon
Betty Crocker Flavored Mashed Potatoes
Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits= $67¢ each with $1/3 coupon
Kool Aid Bursts
Hawaiian Punch
Unfortunately, they were already out of the Pizza Rolls that I wanted, but I got a rain check on them. I also decided to buy the Progresso and the Knorr sides at Shaw's because I was hoping for a catalina to print for additional savings AND because Shaw's has the great deal on Chicken+Pepsi Free when you buy 10 sides for the same price this week. All told, I spent $18.84 for over $40 in groceries at regular price for a savings of more than 50%.
Sonja ♥
Friday, February 10, 2012
Just a note that I had, in fact, already posted a blog similar to this one on Friday, but somehow in my effort to edit in a picture of what I purchased at Shaw's, the post was deleted. Replicating my writing is not my favorite thing to do, but there are some pretty good deals at Shaw's this week. So, here it is again... sort of. ♥
Buy 10 Knorr Sides on sale at 10 for $10. Use (3) $1/3 coupons from last week's newspaper to pay only $7.00 and receive a free 4 lb Rotiserrie chicken AND a 1.5 ltr of any Pepsi product. Pretty good offer, I thought!
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls are on sale for 2/$3 this week. Buy 6 and use (3) $1/3 coupons from 2/5 GM insert and pay only $1.16 each. Or, if you have the peelie from a can for .55/2 you can use (2) of these to make them only .95¢/can when you buy 2.
Super Chill soft drinks are also on sale this week for .88¢. The ginger ale and fruit punch flavors are great to make punch with for gatherings or to drink alone. I also like to have the flavored seltzer waters on hand for easy cocktails and mixed adult beverages. I got (3) .25¢/1 coupons from the Wish Big, Win Big (WBWB) promotion, which ended on the 9th- the coupons are valid until 2/22. Using them this week brings each of these 2 ltr bottles to only .63¢ each. While I was shopping, I also found the Bangor store had the 1 ltr seltzer waters on sale for .64¢. You can use the $1/2 coupon from the Shaw's coupon book (check customer service or by the entrance door) and pay only .28¢ for both when you buy two of them!
Progresso Soup is on sale this week as part of the 10 for $10 sale. Use the $1/4 coupon from the 2/5 GM insert to make these .75¢/can. My husband and younger daughters love these because they are warm and filling as soup should be, but they are also more like home made. I like them because they are delicious and quick out of the can, or you can use them as a stock base and add more things to make them even better! For example, yesterday while Sean and Caleb were working on our van, I grabbed 1/2 yellow onion, some mushrooms, and the rest of a package of celery and sauted them until translucent for about 5-7 minutes in some butter. I added 2 cloves of garlic, slivered and cooked that a minute or two more. In went a dollop of cream cheese and a hand full of grated parmesan cheese to melt. I opened a can of Progresso Creamy Mushroom soup and stirred it in, letting it simmer until it was all combined, hot and ready to serve. Sean LOVED it- raved about it all day. So easy!!! All told, for the cost of some left over veggies and a .75¢ can of soup, it took me about 15 minutes of my time to create this yummy soup; well worth my effort for his praise.
The cost before sales/coupons came to over $85.00. I paid $33.51 for everything, a savings of 61%!
20 Progresso Soups @ .75¢= $15.00
4 Big Chill Selters @ .14¢= .56¢
1 ltr Mt Dew= FREE with promotion
12 Knorr sides @ .70¢= $8.40
4 UP2U gum @ .49¢= $1.96
3 Ginger Ale @ .63¢= $1.89
1 Orange Big Chill soda= FREE with WBWB promotion coupon
(1) 4 lb Rotiserrie Chicken = FREE with promotion
1 My Essentials Pasta Sauce= FREE with WBWB promotion coupon
6 Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls @ .95= $5.70
Hope you have a great week!
Sonja ♥
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
21 jars of Ragu pasta sauce and 3 packages of UP2U gum at Shaw's today all for $20.54.
I used (7) $1.25/3 Ragu Sauce and (3) $1/1 UP2U gum.
Ragu Sale Price $1.29 when you buy 10 jars less .41¢ ($1.25/3)= .88¢ each.
UP2U gum $1.49 less coupons= .49¢
I was totally wanting to purchase 40 jars of Pace picante/salsa currently on sale for .99¢ when you buy 10 jars. With my .75/2 coupons, these would have totalled $9.60 for all 40 jars! GREAT stock up price!!! Buuuuut... I didn't order in advance and both Ellsworth and Bangor Shaw's were out of stock. What to do? R-A-I-N-C-H-E-C-K!!! After a quick call to my husband to ask him to swing into the Bangor Shaw's to request said rain check and his doing so, I can relax, knowing I will be able to stock up on these for only .24¢/jar.
These coupons do not expire until April, so if you have them still, I highly recommend getting a rain check tomorrow for this stock up price!
What sales have you friends found this week?
Sonja ♥
maine coupon blog,
Ragu pasta sauce,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
If you qualify for MaineCare, Food Suppliment Assistance, or other State of Maine Assistance programs, you may qualify to receive a FREE cell phone with FREE minutes each month. Depending on the plan you select your minutes can roll over each month and it also includes the availability to text. Additional minutes can be purchased through TracFone, but this is not necessary. Your account is reviewed every 12 months to see if you still qualify. This program covers one phone per household.
Sean and I already have cell phones for our personal/business use, but we applied for the program anyway so that our 11 year old would have a phone in case of an emergency. We chose the middle plan which gives her 125 minutes each month, which will roll over and covers texting at charge of 1min/text, free 411, 911, and gives her the ability to make long distance calls without roaming charges. This is more than sufficient for her usage. The lower plan covers 68 minutes each moth with an ability to make international phone calls without roaming. The higher plan covers 250 minutes each month, but minutes do not roll over and there is no international long distance available at this level.
I signed up via the internet HERE. They do ask for your personal information (date of birth, ssn, etc.) which I would have been wary of, but one of my friends already had the phone through the same service and experienced no trouble signing up. You can also enroll by calling 1-800-723-3546.
*Note: on the first screen, there is a place to note a "friend" referral, which credits your friend's account with 50 additional points. I was glad to help my friend receive credit and additional minutes on her phone. It took about 7 days to get the phone, which came fully loaded with minutes and ready to use after the battery charged overnight. We have had the service for about a week and so far, we have had no problems.
I hope this information comes in handy to you.
Have a great day, friends!
Sonja ♥
Sean and I already have cell phones for our personal/business use, but we applied for the program anyway so that our 11 year old would have a phone in case of an emergency. We chose the middle plan which gives her 125 minutes each month, which will roll over and covers texting at charge of 1min/text, free 411, 911, and gives her the ability to make long distance calls without roaming charges. This is more than sufficient for her usage. The lower plan covers 68 minutes each moth with an ability to make international phone calls without roaming. The higher plan covers 250 minutes each month, but minutes do not roll over and there is no international long distance available at this level.
I signed up via the internet HERE. They do ask for your personal information (date of birth, ssn, etc.) which I would have been wary of, but one of my friends already had the phone through the same service and experienced no trouble signing up. You can also enroll by calling 1-800-723-3546.
*Note: on the first screen, there is a place to note a "friend" referral, which credits your friend's account with 50 additional points. I was glad to help my friend receive credit and additional minutes on her phone. It took about 7 days to get the phone, which came fully loaded with minutes and ready to use after the battery charged overnight. We have had the service for about a week and so far, we have had no problems.
I hope this information comes in handy to you.
Have a great day, friends!
Sonja ♥
This list is all FREE with the mail in rebate from Walgreen's February Savings Book:
1. Arctic Naturals Omega Vitamins 60 ct, regularly priced $15.00
2. BluScience HeartBlu Supplements 60 ct, regularly priced $14.00
3. Factor Nutrition Labs CoQ10 30 ct, regularly priced $10.00
4. Sundown Vitamin D3-1000 IU 100 ct, regularly priced $4.00
Use THIS LINK to print a $1/1 coupon under zip code 30062; this makes this a $1 profit
5. Renew Life Love Your Heart 90 ct, regularly priced $20.00
Walgreens TrueResult Meter, $14.99- FREE after Mail in Rebate on package
Sheets Energy Strips 10 ct, $3.99- FREE after $3.99 RR
St Joseph Enteric Aspirin 36 ct, $2.00- FREE after $2.00 RR (There might be a manufacturer coupon with this deal, too.)
Wet Synergy Lubricant 3.3 oz, $10.00- FREE after $10.00 RR
Other Good Deals:
Garnier Fructis Hair Care 2-13 oz $3.00- Buy 6, use (6) $1/1 coupons from 2/5 RP. You will pay $12.00 at the register and earn a $5RR making the net cost of these items $1.17/bottle.
Mail in Rebates are a good way to get products for free, but only if you are willing to take them time to actually mail them. If you are a procrastinator, you may want to skip this kind of a deal- it is only FREE if you follow through. Also, most rebates claim to take 6-8 weeks to be processed. It has been my experience to get them much faster than that, but you need to consider that the money spent will be out of your budget until that rebate check is sent to you.
Have a great day!
Sonja ♥
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